15 April: Spaghettata Abruzzese

A festive group of members, friends Mounties
Group of Lansvale the traditional
“Spaghettata Abruzzese” an event that takes
place immediately after the feast of Easter.
The event, organized by the Committee of the
Abruzzesi Association of NSW Inc., was opened
by Vice President Livio Commissione, who after
a minute of silence for the deceased loved ones
of the Association, reported the apologies of
President Luigi Bucciarelli, who had to leave for family reasons.
Livio Commissione gave his warm welcome to the Members and friends who continue to
nurture the sympathy, loyalty and love for our rich heritage of Abruzzo.
Hear words of congratulations and thanks were addressed to the Sponsors
and Benefactors for their high contribution, as well as the President of Club Italia
BenSonego and its efficient staff, together with the tireless Volunteers of the Association,
excellently performed the preparation of both food and food
table service.A four-course lunch was prepared, including a biscuit entre’e with
cheeses and olives, followed by “Spaghetti al ragu” with a typical Abruzzese sauce,
chicken and sauces with a mixed side dish, and finally a delicious limoncello cake.
Maestro Lucio Ventresca was there with music and songs, to promote tradition and
culture among young people and less young. The “best moment” – was the
performance of the young singers Giuseppe & Anka, children of European parents.
Listening to their melodious voices in the song of classical arias of Italian opera
immediately reported a clear silence in the hall, thus creating an electrifying
atmosphere followed by appreciations and emotions among the participants.
A lottery including nine awards was held during the day, giving more time for the
participants to dance happily in the large Tiepolo hall. Mr. Pedro Sasso won the
first prize, consisting of a ham followed from the purchase of another Ham by
Signor Vittorio Ianelli.
